Note management
The note management lists all existing notes. Not only are notes listed here that were placed on a document area, but were also generally stored.
Top note bar
Clicking the “Refresh” button updates all notes.

Clicking on the question mark symbol opens the corresponding HelpDesk entry.
Clicking on the arrow opens the note management in an enlarged view.
Activate note filter

By clicking in the selection list, you can also filter the lower note list in real time.
So by Clicking on the "All" entry - shows all notes.
Clicking on „Current document“ – displays only those notes that have been assigned to the currently visible document.
And „Without a document“ - accordingly only lists those notes that have not been assigned to any document.

By clicking in the selection list, you can also filter the lower note list in real time.
So by Clicking on the „My notes“ – only the notes you created are shown.
Clicking on "All" – accordingly lists all notes on your network.

By clicking in the selection list, you can also filter the lower note list in real time.
So by Clicking on the "All" entry – all notes are shown without an additional content filter.
Clicking on „With task“ – only lists those notes that have also been assigned a task.
Clicking on „With comment“ – only lists those notes that have also been assigned to a comment.
Clicking on „With task and comment“ – only lists those notes that have also been assigned a task with a comment.
Created on

By clicking in the selection list, you can also filter the lower note list in real time.
So by Clicking on the "All" entry – all notes are displayed without an additional date filter.
Clicking on "Today" – only lists those notes that were created today.
Clicking on "Last 7 days" – only lists those notes that were created in the last 7 days.
Clicking on "last 30 days" – only lists those notes that were created in the last 30 days.
To search explicitly for documents with existing notes, enter the search term in the corresponding field - the note list is searched in real time and shows you the results immediately.
The search is not only based on the document name, but also on the title of the note.
The search for note content or the comments within the note is done using the quick search or advanced search.
Notes list
The notes list lists all of your notes and those stored in your network.
User abbreviation in a square: The user abbreviation is displayed on the left in the list, move the left mouse button over the square - this is how the full user name is entered. Clicking on the heading groups the list by user name.
Document symbol in the second column: Various document symbols are displayed to the right of the user ID. A distinction is made between 2 different symbols:
Means that the note was saved for a specific document. A distinction is made between general notes that apply to the entire document and notes placed on a specific document area. If a colored square is also shown in the column to the right, it means that this note applies to a certain document area.
Means that a general note has been created - it has not been assigned to any document.
Clicking on the heading groups the list according to document symbols.
Colored square: In combination with the symbol in the second column, the square means that the note was placed on a document or a specific document area. The color of the square is also indicated.

Document: The document name is displayed here if the note was generally set to a specific document or a specific document area. Clicking on the document name closes the note management and shows the corresponding document with the document preview in the main view. If this column does not have a document name, a general note was created that was not assigned to any document. Clicking on the heading groups the list by document name.
Created on: Lists the creation date of the note. Clicking on the heading groups the list according to the creation date of the note.
Note title: A note title can also be stored for each note; this is shown in the corresponding column. Clicking on the heading groups the list according to the note title.
Tags: Several note keywords can be stored for each note. These are also shown in the note list in the corresponding column. Clicking on the heading groups the list according to existing keywords.
New note
To create a general new note, click on the "New Note" button and in the next step store the note information.
New note for current Document
To create a note for the currently visible document, click on the button "New note for current document" and in the next step store the note information.